Notice of AGM, 28th November 2023

Date(s) - Friday, November 10, 2023
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Norths Photographic Society (NPS) to be  held on: Tuesday, 28 November 2023  at 7.00pm in the Irvine Room.

Nominations are open, forms available on the front desk Tueday 14th November.

All members should consider standing for election.
Do you see yourself, or someone else, in one or another of the following positions, if so, then nominate now.
Competition Secretary
Website / Computer
Committee Members x 2

Positions with only one nominee, once a member seconds the nomination the position will be filled unopposed.
Those positions with more than one nominee will require a vote of all eligible members to elect the successful nominee.
Once the committee is formed the meeting will be closed. No further business will be conducted at this meeting.