

Room is booked from 6:00pm and open for entries.

Entry by Upload:
Projected Images are to be uploaded by midnight Friday before the Tuesday competition.
Print entries are to be uploaded by midnight Friday before the Tuesday competition.
Competition evenings Prints are to be checked-in with the Secretary/Digital & Prints by 7:00pm.
Prints delivered after that time may not be accepted.
Secretary/Digital & Prints and helper will place member’s prints on stands, one on each level in the relevant area.
All prints must clearly show  author’s name, title followed by 1,2,3 indicating the number of times the print has been entered into a competition and the date of the competition on the back of the mount.
Julia Brown
Holiday time2
25/02/2020 or 25/02/20
Prints without a name, title or competition date marked will not be credited with any points earned.

Members may enter two sections – Prints and Projected Images.
Monthly competition will alternate Open and set subject competition.

Number of images per section per competitor allowed on any one competition evening.
Prints: 2 monochrome and 2 colour
Digital copy required to upload for website Galleries.
Projected Images: 2 digital
Upload filenames are to be in the following format:  title1.jpg
e.g. Good morning1.jpg  (1,2,3 indicates the number of times the image has been entered into competitions)

Awards: Any work awarded a Merit or Credit during a calendar year may not be re-entered in a monthly competition in the same calendar year.

Life of image entries: No one work may be entered in club competitions more than three (3) times in total.
This includes entries in the Digital competitions.


Colour Prints: x 2 images
Prints are to be mounted on matt board and (including mount) cannot exceed a maximum size of 40x50cm (16”x 20”). There is no minimum size of print within the mount. It is recommended that the thickness of the print and mount be kept below 3mm if you are planning on entering other competitions.
All prints must clearly show  author’s name, title followed by 1,2,3 indicating the number of times the print has been entered into a competition and the date of the competition on the back of the mount.
Deliver your mounted print to the Secretary/Digital & Prints.
Framed prints are not permitted.
Entries are to be uploaded via the website for exhibiting in the Galleries.
Upload filenames are to be in the following format;  Angry storm1 (or 2,3)

  • must be provided in jpg format
  • must not exceed 1920 pixels in width   (A 4:3 ratio image will be 1440 x 1080 pixels)
  • must not exceed 1080 pixels in height
  • has a maximum file size of 2MB
  • resolution of 72 Pixels per inch
  • has a sRGB Colour Profile
    NO symbols to be used in image title    

    Monochrome Prints: x 2 images
    Includes black and white prints, and/or prints completely toned, tinted, or coloured by a single colour. No partial tinting, toning of the photo or addition of another colour is permissible.
    A black and white work that has been partially toned or had a colour added becomes a colour print and can be exhibited in the colour section.
    All other rules are the same as for Colour Prints.
    Entries are to be uploaded via the website for exhibiting in the Galleries.
    Upload filenames are to be in the following format; Outback Australia1 (or 2,3)

  • must be provided in jpg format
  • must not exceed 1920 pixels in width   (A 4:3 ratio image will be 1440 x 1080 pixels)
  • must not exceed 1080 pixels in height
  • has a maximum file size of 2MB
  • resolution of 72 Pixels per inch
  • has a sRGB Colour Profile
    NO symbols to be used in image title

Projected Image: x 2 digital images
A projected image is a digital image, or a scanned slide or scanned negative.

  • must be provided in jpg format
  • must not exceed 1920 pixels in width   (A 4:3 ratio image will be 1440 x 1080 pixels)
  • must not exceed 1080 pixels in height
  • has a maximum file size of 2MB
  • resolution of 72 Pixels per inch
  • has a sRGB Colour Profile
    NO symbols to be used in image title

Upload filenames are to be in the following format:  title1.jpg e.g. Snack time1.jpg  (1,2,3 indicates the number of times the image has been entered into competitions)

Only the member’s original image(s), this includes any textures, artwork, graphics may be used and entered into competition(s).

Number of Entries – A maximum of six (6) entries

Two (2) entries per section per competitor are allowed on any one competition night,
i.e. 2 x Colour prints, 2 x Mono prints
and 2 x Digital Images.
The same image should not be entered into more than one section on the same competition night.

Awards: Any work awarded a Merit or Credit during a calendar year may not be re-entered in a monthly competition
in the same calendar year.

Life of image entries: No one work may be entered in club competitions more than THREE times in total.

In the case of a new print or duplicate of a particular image, this will NOT be considered to be a different work unless
it has been substantially and obviously changed.

If an entry is changed from colour to mono or vice versa, then it is considered to be the same image.
Changing an image from digital to print or vice/versa is considered to be the same image.

Print Identification

Prints must clearly show  author’s name, title1,2,3 and date of competition on the back of the mount. Labels for this purpose are available on the clubs website. The author may also title any part of the viewed side of the print mount bearing in mind that this will become a part of the total presentation and may not be accepted outside this club’s competition.

Competition Points Scoring
Points will be awarded for each print or digital image entered into a monthly competition as follows:   

  • 1 point for entry
  • An additional point if it is a new image entered
  • An additional point if it is a set subject competition
  • An additional 3 points if the image is awarded a Credit
  • An additional 5 points if the image is awarded a Merit
  • An additional 1 point if the image is awarded Winner of the Night


Prints: There are two grades, A & B.
Digital Images: There are two grades, A & B
New members are usually placed in B grade of any competition, but may apply to the grading committee before their first competition to be placed in A grade. Such an application must be supported by either;

  • · 6 works in the section ie. colour, mono or digital image competition, or
  • · APS (Australian Photographic Society) or equivalent international honours

Annual Awards / Members Achievements / Accumulated points
Members are awarded based on accumulated point scores earned during the year in each category Digital and Prints.
Annoucement of Winners, first, second and third placings in A Grade and B Grade.

If a B grade competitor wins a section ie. either Mono Print, Colour Print or Digital Image, they will be promoted to A grade in the relevant section.
They will also be eligible to go to A Grade in the Projected Image competition.

If a B grade competitor wants to be promoted to A grade in a section and has not won that section, then they must apply to the grading committee before the commencement of the competition year. The criteria for assessment will be the same as for new members.
If a B Grade member applies to be placed in A Grade after the commencement of the competition year, points earned will not go with them.
Relegation from A to B grade may be proposed if a member scores a hit rate of less than 15% (credits + merits vs entries) provided a minimum of three (3) competitions are entered in the year. The final decision will be made by the grading committee.
The grading committee will consist of members of the club who are judges or who hold APS honours or higher. A committee member may also be present to perform the assessment.