2015 May and August Presentations: Wildlife Photography – Tin Man Lee LIVE from Thousand Oaks, California USA

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We are the first camera club to introduce presentations LIVE via Skype.
We have had two wonderful LIVE presentations with Tin Man.
He is so interesting and funny at the same time. The evening went from telling us about himself, what camera’s  and lenses  he uses, inspiring images taken on location Yellow stone National Park, Mount Evans, Colorado, Katmai National Park, Alaska,
funny stories whilst out in the field  and his famous bear image that won the 2014 Nature’s Best, Grand Prize displayed at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Washington DC.

Feedback: Well the members just couldn’t get enough of Tin Man Lee, he was so humble, interesting and funny. We could have sat through another few hours of his stories.

2014 our first Skype we invited Sean Bagshaw from Oregon USA. A professional landscape, nature and travel photographer. Sharing the vision and spirit of his images, as well as techniques used to create his photos. Sean is a fine art outdoor photographer, digital image developing enthusiast and photography educator based in Ashland, Oregon.
We had two brilliant presentations by Sean.
Feedback: Hey Sean, Thanks again for another terrific evening for our members, glued to the screen and ears and eyes open wide that’s how it was. Some took oodles of notes.
I feel for you, early hours in the morning but I know everyone is inspired by your work and very thorough way of going through your work flow.
This new way of presenting certainly has the edge over other clubs.
I hope one day you can come down under for a visit and join Glen’s sunrise group for early morning shoots and breakfast.
Reply: You are most certainly welcome. I always enjoy it despite the late hour. I love how active and enthusiastic your club is. It is on my life list to make it to Australia one day. A sunrise shoot with Glen and the gang would be a first priority. Cheers,