2019 Aperture Photography Conference

Ray Martin  Q&A panel
Hosted by Ray Martin award winning television journalist.
W/end 22 & 23 June

Educate: Inspire: Connect

We celebrate the collective insight and advice from some of our industries finest legends of the lens. Even if you’re not a photographer, the images and stories from the speakers will blow you away.
Ray Collins Tamara Dean  JasinBoland
Ray                                         Tamara                              Jasin
Speakers Saturday.
Ray Collins Oceanic Photographer
Oceanic photographer Book signing
Tamara Dean Photographic Artist
Photographic artist
Jasin Boland Film Stills Photographer
Matrix  Jason Bourne
ChristianFletcher   Stephen Dupont  Ami
Christian                              Stephen                                 Ami
Speakers Sunday
Christian Fletcher Australian Landscape Icon
Kununurra  Christian photos
Stephen Dupont Conflict Photographer
Stephen Dupont Generation AK  the Afghanistan wars 1993 2012  signing book
Ami Vitale National Geographic Photojournalist
National Geographic Magazine Ami Vitale

Trade Time
Time to explore the increased trade stalls and immerse yourself in new gear and industry trends.
Olympus talk Nikon  Nisi AquaTech

Suri Lumix momentopro