2017 October; Presenter

aerial _3853    landscape 3854   Kimberley  Stingray-MontgomeryReef Kimberley  The Ghan railway line from above Alice Springs
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Tuesday 10/10 – Great evening with Tom Putt, inspiring images on aerial /drone photography.

Thanks Tom for making it entertaining too!

I attended with two other friends the club meeting on 10 October 2017.
We were warmly received at the door and welcomed in.
We found the guest speaker and presenter, Tom Putt, very knowledgeable and a professional at his work. His passion for photography, particularly aerial photography, was inspiring. I took his card and intend visiting him when I’m next in Melbourne. His aerial photography was absolutely amazing. So happy that we attended.
I hope to be back, participating and competing. – Richard Shakenovsky




2017 September; Creative competition

Tues 26 Sept.Creative
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Tuesday 26/09 Creative competition – judge Tanya Du Toit
I thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful talent that you have in your club.  I am also very thankful for the positive feedback that I received on the night.  It was really lovely to have some members come up and thank me for my comments and critiquing.  I try to make an effort in giving something useful with my judging.  Although creative is harder to give technical critique to I hope I imparted some knowledge and inspiration and I can honestly say that I got inspiration from the work that I saw on the night.  thank you all again for a great comp night.

I feel she was as well pretty good. Very constructive in feedback, not holding back with advise (if its creative it has to be creative!) and open however short and sharp. And I like that she judged the A grade harder than the B – grade. Something I sense not all judges do. –  Jochen Hess

Online Open – judge Mark Kelly
Images: http://nslps.org.au/galleries/?year=MjAxNw%3D%3D&group=Sep%20Online%20Open

2017 September; Presenter

Tues12 Sept Alfonso Calero
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Tuesday 12/9 Alfonso shared his experiences taking us on interesting travels through Japan and Spain, with Q&A along the way.
Thanks Alfonso it was fun and entertaining!
Unlock your creativity; Start a Project – Alfonso suggests we all try and have a project going on. Challenges to go on your learning adventure unlock that creativity within yourself!
Link here:



2017 September; President’s Shield

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Friday 01/09 Nominee; Jochen Hess
The President’s Shield night is held annually in September and each intra club has a nominee based on their contribution to Norths, their intraclub, either their sporting achievements, service to sport or special interest group over the preceding year.
It is a fun evening with music and dancing, listen to what other intraclubs say about their nominated person. Throughout the evening there is a slideshow of each intraclubs activities and social events.
History – Presidents Shield Awards
In 1955 a group of dedicated Norths supporters, led by the late Harry McKinnon, formed North Sydney Leagues Club. With the help of their families and debenture holders, they bought a house in Merlin Street, North Sydney, which was the Club’s first home. In July 1964 due to lack of space and the threat of the new expressway, Norths sadly left their beloved Merlin Street home and moved to Cammeray.
With a new building and a new look Sports Council headed by Fred Orreill and his active committee, new Intra Clubs were added (see http://www.norths.com.au/community/intra-clubs/ for a current list).
The first Sportsman of the Year Night, chosen from the Intra Clubs, was held in 1980, the winner for 1979 being Graham Hoschke, who was the Secretary of the Fishing Club.
Former NORTHS Sydney Leagues Club President, Mr. Ray Beattie, renamed the ‘Sportsman of the Year’ award the ‘President’s Shield’.

2017 August; Hill End weekend

Hill End Lodge    Jochen   Car graveyard  20170813_065422   20170812_125157
Friday 11/ Saturday 12
Jochen’s wrap up…
About 12of us drove up Friday night to Hill End and organised an early start for Saturday morning. Sunrise was at 7 which meant we had plenty of time to sleep in. Our location for the sunrise was Merlin’s lookout. A cloudless sky made it an uneventful morning.
After a hearty breakfast we explored the town ship and the old car yard – a collection of 20 rusty old cars strewn over the Forrest. A very special place!
Some had a snooze whilst others visited the local pub and simply enjoyed the warm winter sun. We headed out to Bald Hill for a unique sunset. Back to the lodge for dinner and some of us still had not enough and went out for light painting, star shots or simply night photography.
With hardly any light pollution Hill End is the perfect place for these sort of images.
Sunday morning we re visited the car yard with the idea to light paint some of the old and rusty vehicles. It proved to be a good idea as sunrise once again was cloudless and plain.
On the way home we stopped a little distance outside from Sofala for the Bus Grave yard. A collection of 7 or 8 old buses, trucks and lorries. All filled by a hoarder with all sorts of things modern life has to offer. A paradise for any photographer. This place is well hidden which makes it so unique and interesting.

Overall, an interesting weekend with a super bunch of people. We learn from each other, share knowledge and passion and all aim for the same thing – to produce a great photo.

2017 August; Open competition

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Tuesday 22/08 – Open competition – judge Analia Paino
What a fantastic judge- so good at making everyone feel worthy photographers and being so spot on with her advice as every photo was critiqued individually and there were no favourite sayings- mimimistic, focus etc. I honestly believed her to be one of the best judges I have ever experienced, better that 99% of judges in the UK too Well done. – Annie Williams

Analia Paino says:
It really is wonderful to hear such positive feedback and most importantly that people found it worthwhile. That’s what competitions are all about, personal growth and development.

Online subject Landscape / Seascape – judge Tom Putt


2017 August; Presenter

08Tue 8 August Adam Williams  Presenting Adam Williams
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Tuesday 08/08 Adam Williams – The Formula for Interesting Landscape, a practical presentation.
Thanks for a great evening Adam, your montage images were especially inspiring!







2017 July; Studio workshop for members and Photojournalism competition

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Tuesday 11th July, 26 members had a great opportunity to photograph 4 great models. This night was a practical night where members enjoyed shooting under studio conditions, using triggers and lighting.There was much assistance provided by Exposure Studios to help those members with limited knowledge of this type of shooting.It was a fun and enjoyable night, where I’m sure everyone would have come away with images that they could enter into future competitions. – Christine Nelson

That was one of the best, informative, fun nights to improve our photography we have had at the club for some time.
The models were excellent. More please.
– Greg Lake

Thanks Joslyn and the committee at North’s for organizing a studio shoot last Tuesday evening.
All of the members in attendance enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to photograph the four models in a studio lighting environment. – Les Atkins

Last night was fab. I may not be a studio photographer but I learned a lot.  First class! – Annie Williams

Last night was a lot of fun. The models worked hard on what was a bit of a marathon. The photographer and his staff were very helpful and it was a good experience for those that had not seen a studio set up before. I think it would be a good idea to organise a smaller group experience so that lighting techniques could be explored. – John G

I really enjoyed the Studio Session on Tuesday – my first time. Pete was very helpful in explaining the lighting and camera settings.  All I need now is some talent!  The models were terrific, including our own budding male model. Thanks to everyone who organised the event. – Alan Park

Great night on Tuesday – thanks for organizing! – Jochen

I enjoyed the studio workshop last week.  I was very pleased at how some of my shots turned out.  I thought the team from Exposure Studios and models were very helpful.  They made it seem very easy. – Steve Spencer

Tuesday 25/07 Competition Photojournalism – judge David Miller
great judge – we haven’t had a strong one for along time!
Excellent  judging and learning for everyone.

Great to end the night with some of his images

Online Open – judge Josh Smith
Thanks for the opportunity to judge. From this batch of images, there isn’t too much separation between A & B grade. Technically & with the advancements in camera bodies, it is hard to fault a lot of the images. Composition (a good set of eyes) is mostly the determining factor in a strong result. Please pass on my congratulations to your Society for their great work. Cheers Josh.













2017 July; Outing Reserve Forces Day Parade, Hyde Park

RSD17     RFD2017      lighthorseman balanced1040594
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Sunday 02/7
This month’s topic of ‘Photojournalism’ coincides with a joint ‘Air-Army-Navy’ military parade of current and former “Reservist’s”.  This year, it is to be held astride the magnificent ‘Pool of Refection’, adjacent Sydney’s War Memorial at Hyde Park, and featuring mounted horsemen, with quiet pomp and ceremony, against a backdrop of the beautiful surroundings, lots of polished brass, and a possible politician or two. – Peter Butterworth
I found this event to be a good opportunity to practice my street / photojournalism skills. I was glad that I checked out some photographic websites where I found some tips from the professionals – planning and research is really invaluable to work out the best shooting positions in order to choose the best vantage points. It also helped to see images from similar events in order to get ideas for possible compositions/stories. It was a very worthwhile outing and I thank Peter for alerting us to the event. – Alan Park

2017 June; Presenter and Open competition

06Tuesday 13 June Under the weather Pamela Pauline
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Tuesday 13/06 Pamela Pauline – The Sky is the Limit.
Last nights presentation by Pamela Pauline was excellent and very well attended by our members.Pamela provided us with her background and future aspirations in photography together with an excellent representation of her “Fine Art Photography”.Pamela’s skill as a photographer combined with her interesting techniques in post production produced many beautiful” Fine Art Prints” which were on display.All of our members in attendance came away feeling very motivated. – Les Atkins

Tuesday 27/06 Competition Open – judge Stuart Bowey

Online subject Negative Space – judge Michaela Clarkson
Thanks for the opportunity. Always great to see the members’ work.