July Saturday 30/07: Education: Basic photoshop & Lightroom with Christine Nelson

There was a lot of interest from new members / Beginner to intermediate for a workshop on
the following.
Laptops required loaded with Lightroom and Photoshop.
Bring your own images to work on and any replacement backgrounds or textures.
In brief basics covered for some who need guidance;
Photography Workflow.
Transferring images from camera to computer.
Importing images into Lightroom / Photoshop.
Quick start guide covers  the essentials that all Photoshop users should know up front & short cuts.
Moving onto Post-processing images.
The most powerful aspects of PS is the ability to edit in Layers.
Layers allow you to change certain aspects of your image without affecting anything you don’t
want changed.
With practice, photo editing experience will get easier and your photos will look better.

Thanks Christine for your time and sharing all your knowledge with the members who attended the workshop. Everyone would have gone away with inspiration and a more exciting insight into Photoshop. Your notes will certainly help them along their way to better images.
Thank you so much. Sue



2016 April weekend Outing; Temora Aviation Museum and Aircraft Show

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If you weren’t there, you missed a brilliant weekend!
In the heart of the NSW agricultural belt, Temora Shire is a sanctuary rich with heritage and resources. From golden beginnings to high flying achievements, Temora has spread its wings to become more than just another country town. Known for its internationally acclaimed aviation museum in a district of agricultural excellence…
Drive up Friday, get together for dinner.
Temora, depending on your time of arrival, take in the town sights. Heritage buildings; Edwardian, Federation, even Art Deco are represented throughout the town. Churches, banks, courthouse, post office to name a few. Temora Rural Museum, Ariah park, Pardey’s Flour Mill, Railway Station and Grain silos. 
Saturday is the highlight, attend the aircraft flying display. Begins at 10am and finishes at 4pm.
Theme is: WW11  Pacific Theatre and Aircraft flying: P-40 Kitty Hawk, Spitfire, Boomerang, Wirraway.
Showcase days are aimed on providing visitors with a personal, interactive and in-depth experience with some of the Museum’s aircraft. Visitors will witness the aircraft being towed from the hangar and watch the pre-flight inspection, servicing and refueling as it takes place in front of them.The pilot will strap in, start the engine and then the flight will take place.
The flying display will vary from a simple handling display to aerobatics or formation flying.
The aircraft will land and taxi back to the visitors where they will have the chance to have a chat with the pilot, take photographs, and inspect the cockpit and engine.
Audio visual presentations both in the cinema and the Display Hangar will enhance the stories of veterans who will be invited to share with our visitors their wartime experiences.
At the conclusion of the flying activity, the Engineering Hangar will be open to all visitors. We have rarely allowed access to the workshop areas, but now visitors will be able to take a closer look at the most diverse range of aviation engineering activities anywhere in the world.
Our Engineering Team will demonstrate the projects they are working on and the unique processes, materials and techniques required to keep this fleet of vintage aircraft flying.
Prior to the flying, visitors may take in a Q&A session titled “Winging It”. A special guest will share their aviation experiences accompanied with a photo presentation, guest speakers will vary from some of the Museum’s highly experienced Warbird pilots to veterans who served during times of conflict.
Temora Rural Museum, discover the town’s history, experience life as it was for early pioneers. Here you will find;
he original family home of cricket legend Sir Donald Bradman
A replica of the 7.3 kg Mother Shipton gold nugget
Vintage agricultural machinery and steam engines
Ariah Park, 20 minutes west of Temora,  you will find the 1920s Heritage Village.
It has an attractive, nostalgic feel, marvel at beautiful architecture and maybe take a look at the antique shops.
JUNEE Return journey to Sydney you may like to come back via Junee
Licorice & Chocolate factory – located at the restored Junee Flour Mill, a historically rich landmark in the rural township.
Railway Roundhouse & Museum
Monte Cristo Homestead; Australia’s most haunted house. Ghosts of its original owner Christopher William Crawley and his family are believed to haunt the home.  A caretaker was murdered in the home in 1961, a mentally disabled boy was kept in the homestead’s cottage for many years, a boy died falling down the stairs, a maid fell from a balcony and a stable boy died from injuries after a fire. Many of the ghosts who appear in the residence are believed to be spirits of these people who died there and Mrs. Crawley herself.

2016 Sunday 20/03 – Studio workshop, model/makeup artist

Contact: Joslyn
I have organised an outing to Exposure Studios for anyone who would like to come along and have some fun.
There will be 2 beautiful models.
Jody from Cherrish Hair & Make-up Artistry does the hair and make-up on the models.
There are 4 Studio Sets; natural light, white, black, French provincial, models will be made-up to use the sets.
Bring your camera / Triggers will be supplied.
Exposure Studios
3pm to 5pm   Cost $25pp
Let me know if you are coming along, I will need to advise Jody.
I am happy to give anyone a lift with me.

Hi Jody and Peter
What a blast, it was great fun. Thanks for a wonderful afternoon and all your help with the group. We all enjoyed the shoot. The makeup, models and clothing were perfect.

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2016 Saturday 05/03 Education: Learn mat board cutting

mat boards

Education: Learn mat board cutting  for your images with Christine and Sue.
Mat boards and cutters supplied.
Everyone needs mat boards for their images. Well worth attending.

The Mat Board Work Shop was really successful. 14 attended and Christine did an excellent job and although it’s not rocket science, it is quite a technical process. We had enough material to do the job. The ALTO’s 1501 Mat Board Cutter was used by Christine and seemed to be the best one around at the moment.  Everyone found it really helpful. – Sue 



2016 Saturday 06/02 Outing – Cockatoo Is. and the Rocks area with Alfonso Calero

Grunge  Rocks discussion
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Get yourself there and have some fun!
Guide and mentoring with Alfonso Calero  – Subject Grunge. The plan, ferry to Cockatoo Island for a while and then back to the Rocks area, with coffee/ snack breaks. Join Alfonso Calero who will guide and mentor you if you want or you explore around by yourself. We will be looking for photos that fit the subject Grunge. Meet Alfonso at the island 9am. Return to the Rocks area around 12 noon depending on the ferry timetable. Shoot around the Rocks area with Alfonso. Outing will end at 3pm.

Our camera club did a photo walk with Alfonso to Cockatoo Island and around The Rocks in Sydney. Everyone had a great time, and Alfonso was able to answer everyone’s questions and give them creative ideas for photographing both the history and the “grunge” of the places we visited. His technical expertise is excellent, and he can relate well to all skill levels.

Our Photographic Society spent a day with Alfonso at Cockatoo Island and then later to the Rocks area. He worked very well with each member of the group who asked for help and at their skill level. Alfonso is a great guide and teacher and fun to be around. I would highly recommend Alfonso to visitors, beginners and any skill level photographer to join one of his tours, a Rocks walk or night photography you will learn so much, not only on photography but history along the way. Thank you Alfonso.

Alfonso is a great teacher and very easy to spend time with; Our photographic society spent a day with Alfonso taking photographs, discussion and also doing specific photographic tasks to increase our creativity. He is a great teacher, especially for the beginner and also the experienced photographer who wishes to improve his or her skills. Alfonso also knew a lot about the places we went to, in the Rocks, the history and the background stories. I highly recommend his photographic sessions.

2015 September HomeHQ – Spring/Summer print photography competition

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The competition is open to Norths Photographic Society members only and is not open to the public.
HomeHQ Artarmon, shopping Centre  are once again very happy to be working with our club, the theme is Spring/Summer and ties in with the Willoughby Councils Spring Festival and will feature the exhibition in their Spring Festival guide.
The exhibition will showcase the wonderful work and diverse talents of our members. There will be a launch and announcement of the winners. Finger food and drinks provided.
Exhibition runs until the end of September.

Congratulations to all and thanks for entering.

Winner: Kian Mak, Sri Lankan Day Break
2nd  Kerry Boytell, Summer Surf Carnival
3rd Michael Hing, Spring Discovery

2014 Kian also won the HomeHQ Spring/Summer competition.


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His image Swimming into Spring & Summer
Michael Hing  2nd –  Fun in the Sand
Steve Mullarkey 3rd  – Pittwater Storm

We thank the team at HomeHQ for hosting the competition and awarding the prizes.
The layout of the images in the gallery were just great.
Thank you for the drinks and lovely food.

2015 May and August Presentations: Wildlife Photography – Tin Man Lee LIVE from Thousand Oaks, California USA

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We are the first camera club to introduce presentations LIVE via Skype.
We have had two wonderful LIVE presentations with Tin Man.
He is so interesting and funny at the same time. The evening went from telling us about himself, what camera’s  and lenses  he uses, inspiring images taken on location Yellow stone National Park, Mount Evans, Colorado, Katmai National Park, Alaska,
funny stories whilst out in the field  and his famous bear image that won the 2014 Nature’s Best, Grand Prize displayed at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Washington DC.

Feedback: Well the members just couldn’t get enough of Tin Man Lee, he was so humble, interesting and funny. We could have sat through another few hours of his stories.

2014 our first Skype we invited Sean Bagshaw from Oregon USA. A professional landscape, nature and travel photographer. Sharing the vision and spirit of his images, as well as techniques used to create his photos. Sean is a fine art outdoor photographer, digital image developing enthusiast and photography educator based in Ashland, Oregon.
We had two brilliant presentations by Sean.
Feedback: Hey Sean, Thanks again for another terrific evening for our members, glued to the screen and ears and eyes open wide that’s how it was. Some took oodles of notes.
I feel for you, early hours in the morning but I know everyone is inspired by your work and very thorough way of going through your work flow.
This new way of presenting certainly has the edge over other clubs.
I hope one day you can come down under for a visit and join Glen’s sunrise group for early morning shoots and breakfast.
Reply: You are most certainly welcome. I always enjoy it despite the late hour. I love how active and enthusiastic your club is. It is on my life list to make it to Australia one day. A sunrise shoot with Glen and the gang would be a first priority. Cheers,